
Dental emergencies: contact us 7/7 days for an appointment within 24 hours: 058 234 00 00

Frequently asked questions (FAQ)

Please find below answers to the most frequently asked questions. You are welcome to contact your nearest clinic for further information.

1. What are our fees?

Our dental and aesthetic medicine prices are available here.


2. Do you accept payment arrangements?

We accept payment arrangements and can spread them throughout the treatment or, at most, over 10 monthly payments. We do not charge interest. We offer discounted rates if you pay the full amount at the beginning of the treatment. Please ask your dentist for more information.


3. How to make an appointment and who to contact?

Ardentis clinics are located in the cantons of Vaud, Fribourg, Geneva and Valais. You can make an appointment in the clinic that suits you best:


4. Can you take me in quickly

If your case is urgent and painful, our emergency services are available during regular opening hours as well as Saturday and Sunday morning in some clinics (see emergency opening hours).

In general, we do our best to offer you an appointment as soon as possible, at a time that suits you. If the next available appointment doesn’t suit you, we can refer you to another one of our clinics based in French-speaking Switzerland.


5. Do you handle emergencies on Sundays and holidays? 

See the list of our nearest clinics that handle dental emergencies on Sundays and holidays.


6. How do you handle my child’s accident?

Dental trauma requires treatment within the hour in order to maximise the chance of success.
Our clinics are here to help you with no appointment needed in the case of dental emergencies, during the week and at the weekend

The specialists at Ardentis Dental Clinics, experts in paediatric dentistry, are here to explain what you should do if your child suffers dental trauma and how to prevent it. See article.


7. Do you have specialised dentists for children?

All of our dentists treat both adults and children, but we also have dentists who specialise in paediatric dentistry. Paediatric dentists treat children and teenagers, and aim to provide a healthy and functional mouth to all children and teenagers.

Find out more on Ardentis Kids

8. How long is the dental scaling treatment ?

A dental scaling appointment generally lasts between 30 and 60 minutes depending on your specific needs.


9. Will my pain be treated directly at the check-up appointment?

Yes, our primary responsibility is to relieve your pain. If you are in pain, we recommend that you let us know about that when you book your appointment so that we can schedule a suitable appointment length with your dentist. If your pain is overwhelming and you cannot wait for your appointment, our emergency services are available during regular opening hours as well as Saturday and Sunday morning at some clinics (see emergency opening hours).


10. Does an emergency appointment cost more than a pre-booked appointment?

No, an emergency appointment isn’t more expensive than a pre-booked appointment.


11. Why does emergency treatment need to be paid for straight away? Can I pay by invoice?

For administrative reasons, emergency appointments need to be paid on the spot.


12. Do you send my invoice to my insurance Company? Is my treatment covered?

After receiving approval from the insurers, Ardentis will send them the invoice for treatment following an accident or treatment covered by health insurance. If you have complementary dental insurance, Ardentis will send you the invoice directly. Please note that if you have an accident, you need to declare it to your insurance company.


13. Do you provide teeth whitening, and how does it work?

We offer you different methods to whiten your teeth that will allow you to get your dazzling smile back. These treatments are available in-clinic or at home.

Find more information on these procedures here.

Please do know that before starting with your teeth whitening, a check-up appointment is necessary. Indeed, whitening should be done on healthy teeth and potential cares needed should be done beforehand. We are here to help you.


14. Do you have gentle dentists?

At Ardentis, we provide soothing and pain-free treatment. For more anxious patients, we offer the technique of conscious sedation using nitrous oxide or “laughing gas”, which is a recognised and safe method. Inhaling this gas through a nose mask allows the patient to relax and thereby better handle the dental treatment. We can also provide treatment under general anaesthetic for the most anxious patients.


15. Why must I fill in the new patient form?

We ask for this information so that we can get a comprehensive overview of your dental health, and also of your health in general. We use this information to ensure that your care is properly tailored and sustainable in the long term, thereby offering you a treatment plan that’s perfectly suited to your needs.

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