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Privacy policy

Privacy policy

Release date 22.09.2022

1. Introduction

The Ardentis group, i.e. any company owned by or affiliated with Ardentis Holding SA (hereinafter “Ardentis”, “We”, “Us”, “Our”) provides dental services (hereinafter “Service(s)”) to patients (hereinafter “Patient(s)”, “You”, “Your”) and operates the websites https://www.ardentis.ch/en/ andhttps://www.orthodontie-gouttieres.ch/en (hereinafter “Sites”) which offer their users (hereinafter “User(s)”) content relating to dental care and the Ardentis Clinics and which allow them to book appointments online. 

In order to be able to provide and develop Our Services, as well as to provide online content and services on Our Sites, We collect, use and communicate a certain amount of data concerning Patients and Users. When We talk about data, We refer to personal data. This is all information that allows Us to identify Patients and Users immediately or by combining it with other information. 

This privacy policy (hereinafter “Policy”) sets out the conditions under which the Ardentis Clinics process data concerning Patients and Users, as well as the choices available to them regarding the collection, use and communication of this information in accordance with the Federal Data Protection Act. 

The Terms and Conditions of Use of the Sites follow this Privacy Policy. Their clauses should be read together. 

2. Data controller

The Ardentis group is made up of several public limited companies, organised according to the following principles. 

Each clinic that provides Services is legally attached to a public limited company (see Table 2 in the Appendix). These public limited companies are primarily responsible for processing the data necessary to provide the Services. 

These public limited companies work in close collaboration with SdC Services SA. The latter centralises various tasks useful for the proper functioning of the clinics (operational management at the level of the Ardentis group, operation of the Sites, marketing, invoicing of the Services, making appointments, etc.). It is the data controller.

Given this collaboration, the public limited companies operating the clinics and SdC Services SA must be considered as joint data controllers. 

LDC Laboratoire Dentaire de Chauderon SA is a company of the Ardentis group which manufactures prostheses for patients on behalf of the clinics. For the majority of the time, this company acts as a subcontractor for the public limited companies operating the clinics. However, it sometimes happens that patients use the services of LDC Laboratoire Dentaire de Chauderon SA without going through a clinic. In this case, LDC Laboratoire Dentaire de Chauderon SA must be considered as the data controller, together with SdC Services SA.

3. Processing of Your data as part of the provision of Our Services

3.1 Data that may be processed

3.1.1 Data communicated by the Patient

When You use Our Services, You will be asked to provide Us with a certain amount of data concerning You, such as Your personal details, Your billing data, Your health data, Your data relating to Your health insurance or Your accident insurance, Your data arising from a disability insurance decision, etc. 

This personal data is generally collected using a form. Some of this data, including Your personal details, may also be communicated via the Sites; in this case, the Patient is also considered as a User and the provisions of section 4 apply to them. 

You can also voluntarily provide us with other data. 

3.1.2 Data provided by Your doctor

When the use of Our Services is prescribed by Your doctor, they communicate to Us a certain amount of data concerning You such as Your personal details, Your health data, Your data relating to Your health insurance or Your accident insurance, etc.

3.1.3 Billing data

When using Our Services, We record Your data necessary for payment (e.g. surname, first name, billing address, telephone number, AVS number, e-mail address, IBAN number, bank account number, date of consultation) but also other data such as the name of Your health insurance or Your accident insurance.

3.1.4 Video recordings

When You enter one of our clinics, You may be filmed by video surveillance cameras.

Video surveillance is limited to clinic entrances, as well as to the areas distinguishable by stickers.

3.2 Purpose of data use

3.2.1 Provision of Services

Your data is used to provide Our Services, interact with You and respond to Your requests.

3.2.2 Marketing

Your data is used to send You information about Our Services, unless You object. You can inform Us at any time of Your wish to object to this processing. Your data may also be used as part of the development of Our Services in order to test Your interest in creating new Services. 

3.2.3 Pursuit of Our legitimate interests

Your data may also be used to pursue Our legitimate interests, which includes the safety of our employees and our patients, the detection of fraud, the collection of debts, as well as the study of any complaints that We may receive, from You or from third parties. Video surveillance images are only used for safety purposes.

3.2.4 Compliance with legal or regulatory obligations

Your data is used to meet Our legal and regulatory obligations, such as keeping accounting documents, keeping medical records or responding to requests from authorities.

4. Processing of Site User’s data

4.1 Introduction

When Users browse and interact with Our Sites, automated data collection technologies are used to collect certain data about them to understand their actions (e.g. which links were clicked on, which pages were viewed), as well as other similar data and statistics (e.g. content response times, download errors, length of visit to certain pages, type of browser used or place of connection). This information is collected using automated technologies such as cookies.  

4.2 Cookies

Cookies are text files that can identify Users and store their personal preference (e.g. their choice of language) as well as technical information (e.g. click-type and browsing-type data). 

We use cookies to facilitate access to the Sites and to analyse traffic and Users and identify malfunctions of the Sites. It also allows Us to improve the User experience and the design and content of the Sites. 

In addition, We may also use web beacon or “Clear GIFs” or similar technologies that are used to verify how Users navigate Our Sites and to see which pages of Our Sites they visit. Web beacons are short sets of codes that deliver graphical images to a web page for the purpose of transferring data such as the Internet Protocol (IP) address of the computer that downloaded the page to display web beacons, the URL of the page the beacons appear on, the time the page containing the beacons was viewed, the types of web browsers that fetched the beacon, and the ID number of any cookie previously registered in the computer by the said server.

For the operation of the Sites, We may collaborate with other companies that place cookies or web beacons on the Sites (including Google Analytics). These companies help Us manage the Sites and provide additional products and services. The use of these technologies by these third parties is then subject to their own personal data processing terms and conditions and is not covered by the Policy.

The use of cookies can be disabled by selecting the appropriate settings within the browser used. However, such deactivation may prevent the use of certain features of the Sites. For more information on cookies: allaboutcookies.org/fr and youronlinechoices.com/fr.

Depending on the browser used, deactivation of Google Analytics is also possible by installing an add-on or by consulting this procedure. Users also have the possibility to see how their personal data is used when using Google Analytics.

Users of the Sites can also modify or withdraw their consent for non-essential cookies at any time by clicking on this link : Manage cookie settings

4.3 Third party social networks

When Users authorise a third-party social network (such as Facebook, YouTube, LinkedIn, etc.) to be shared with Our accounts, We may receive any data Users share publicly on that social network as well as data that forms part of their profile. This can be their basic account data (e.g. first name, last name, email address, gender, birthday, city of residence, profile picture, user ID, etc.) and any other data or activity that Users authorise the third-party social network to share. These social networks are governed by their own terms of use and privacy policies that We recommend Users to read.

5. Data disclosure

5.1 Within the Ardentis group

The data (including health data) communicated to one of the companies of the Ardentis group may be transmitted to all the other companies of the group. These companies may process data in accordance with this Privacy Policy for the purposes mentioned under section3.2. 

The list of Ardentis Group companies is given in Table 1 of the Appendix. 

5.2 Subcontracting

We may use subcontractors and external service providers, to the extent necessary to carry out the tasks entrusted to them, in particular service providers to manage online appointment booking, provide applications for communicating with patients (e.g. WhatsApp business), setting up a call centre, managing and/or maintaining the Sites, analysing traffic on the Sites, sending messages on Our behalf, conducting research, monitoring and analysing the status of Our network and the effectiveness of Our communication.

5.3 Communication to third parties

We may transmit the data of Patients and Users to third parties outside the Ardentis group (i) if this is necessary for the pursuit of the purposes for which the Patients and Users have freely transmitted it to Us, (ii) if the Patients and Users have given their prior consentor (iii) if the law allows or requires Us to do so (e.g. at the request of a judicial authority, to assert Our rights in court or to collect a debt using a collection service).

5.4 Transfer abroad

We collect, use and communicate a certain amount of data concerning Patients and Users. For Users and Patients, personal data will primarily be stored in Switzerland, Germany, the Netherlands, Ireland, and the United Kingdom. 

For Users, concerning Google Analytics only, personal data may also be stored in Belgium, Finland, Denmark, Poland and the United States of America.

The Company will comply with all applicable rules and will adopt all required and necessary measures prior to the transmission of data abroad. 

6. Data security and privacy

Although total security does not exist, security measures (technical and organisational) in accordance with good professional practice have been put in place, taking into account the risks incurred to protect Patients’ and Users’ data against any accidental or intentional manipulation, loss, destruction, disclosure or against any unauthorised access.  

7. Place of jurisdiction and applicable law

The Policy and all matters arising therefrom or related to it, as well as to the use of Our Sites or the use of Our Services, shall be governed by Swiss law, excluding the rules on conflict of laws.  

Patients and Users accept the exclusive jurisdiction of the Courts of the registered office of SdC Services SA.

8. Update of Our Policy

We may update this Policy from time to time without prior notice.  

We will seek to bring any significant changes to the attention of Our Patients. If You have given Us Your e-mail address, You will be informed of the new Policy by e-mail, if applicable. The new Policy will also be available on the Sites.  

Users are required to check the Policy and stay informed of any changes. 

The use of Our Services after a change is an explicit acceptance of the changes, in the same way as the continued use of Our Sites.

9. Contact

Patients and Users may contact Us if they have a question relating to the Confidentiality Policy by e-mail to legal@ardentis.ch or by writing to Us at the address:

SdC Services SA

Route du Verney 7

CH – 1070 Puidoux


Table 1: Ardentis Group structure

The Ardentis Group consists of the following companies, wholly or majority owned by Ardentis Holding SA:

Dental Lab Ardentis SA
SdC Services SA
Ardentis Clinique Dentaire Chablais SA
Ardentis Clinique Dentaire Pully SA
Ardentis Clinique Dentaire Genève SA
Ardentis Centre Dentaire Bulle SA
Ardentis Clinique Dentaire Cossonay SA
Ardentis Clinique Dentaire Yverdon SA
Ardentis Clinique Dentaire Renens SA
Ardentis Clinique Dentaire Morges SA
Ardentis Clinique Dentaire Morges SA
Ardentis Clinique Dentaire Lausanne SA
Ardentis Clinique Dentaire Lausanne SA
Ardentis Clinique Dentaire Lausanne SA
Ardentis Clinique Dentaire Vevey SA
Centre Dentaire du Seyon SA

Table 2 : clinics 

Ardentis clinics are affiliated with the following companies:

Clinic Public limited company
Collombey Ardentis Clinique Dentaire Chablais SA
Pully Ardentis Clinique Dentaire Pully SA
Genève Ardentis Clinique Dentaire Genève SA
Bulle Ardentis Centre Dentaire Bulle SA
Cossonay Ardentis Clinique Dentaire Cossonay SA
Yverdon Ardentis Clinique Dentaire Yverdon SA
Renens Ardentis Clinique Dentaire Renens SA
Morges-Gare Ardentis Clinique Dentaire Morges SA
EPFL Ardentis Clinique Dentaire Morges SA
Lausanne – Benjamin Constant Ardentis Clinique Dentaire Lausanne SA
Lausanne – Chauderon  Ardentis Clinique Dentaire Lausanne SA
Lausanne – Flon  Ardentis Clinique Dentaire Lausanne SA
Vevey Ardentis Clinique Dentaire Vevey SA
Villars Ardentis Clinique Dentaire Vevey SA
Neuchâtel – Seyon Centre Dentaire du Seyon SA
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