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General Terms and Conditions


  1. Terms and Conditions of Use of the websites
  2. General Terms and Conditions of Contests
Terms and Conditions of Use of the websites

Last update of the Terms and Conditions of Use made on 22.09.2022

SdC Services SA (hereinafter β€œthe Company”, β€œWe”) publishes and administers the websites https://www.ardentis.ch/en/ and https://www.orthodontie-gouttieres.ch/en (hereinafter: β€œSites”).Β 

These Terms and Conditions of Use (hereinafter: β€œT&C”) govern the terms on which the Company offers users (hereinafter: β€œUser(s)”, β€œYou”, β€œYour”) access to the Sites, provision of information and provision of services (hereinafter: β€œServices”) on the Sites, including booking appointments online with practitioners at Ardentis Clinics (hereafter: β€œPractitioner(s)”).

1. Acceptance of the T&C

By accessing one of the Sites and/or using the Services, You are considered a User and acknowledge having read, understood and accepted to be subject to all the conditions provided for in the T&C.

In the event of non-compliance by the User with these T&C, the Company reserves the right to suspend the Services without notice and/or to refuse them access to the Services.Β 

These T&C are supplemented or modified, where applicable, by specific terms and conditions of use concerning certain Services.

2. Modification of the T&C

The Company reserves the right to modify all or part of these T&C at any time. If You have sent Us Your e-mail address, You will be informed by e-mail of the new T&C, if applicable. The new T&C will also be available on the Sites. You are responsible for regularly checking the T&C and keeping You informed of any changes. Your continued use of the Sites and Services after a change constitutes acceptance of the changes.Β 

3. Sites

3.1 Purpose

The Sites’ purpose is, in particular, to offer their Users content relating to medical and dental care and Ardentis clinics and to make Services available to them, in particular online appointment booking. Other Services will be added in the near future.

3.2 Modification of the Sites

All the information contained on the Sites may be modified at any time, given the interactivity of the Sites, without this incurring the liability of the Company.

3.3 Links to third-party Sites

The Sites may contain hypertext links to other websites.

The User visits these sites under their sole and entire responsibility. The Company can in no way be held responsible for the content of these third-party sites, in the event that a User suffers damages as a result.

3.4 Photographs

The User expressly acknowledges that the photographs on the Sites are non-contractual.

4. Booking appointments online

4.1 Purpose

The online appointment booking service aims to make it easier for Users to book appointments with Practitioners. Therefore, on the Sites, the User can make an appointment according to the time slots indicated. Each appointment made online by the User is immediately transmitted to the Practitioner.Β 

4.2 Account

The User can make an appointment with or without creating an account. The creation of an account involves the transmission (in addition to the data necessary for making an appointment) of an e-mail address and the choice of a unique password.Β 

The User is responsible for the quality and confidentiality of the password chosen when registering, as well as for any activity generated by their password and account.Β 

The User is solely responsible for maintaining and safeguarding their login information

The User undertakes to immediately inform the Company of any unauthorised use of their password or their account and of any other breach of security, as well as ensuring to close their account at the end of each session (logout).

The Company reserves the right to block User accounts at any time and without reason.

4.3 Information provided by the User

The User undertakes to provide accurate, complete information respecting these T&C when creating an account and/or making an appointment online, in particular with regard to their name, first name, email and telephone number.

The User further guarantees that all the evaluations and comments transmitted by them are as objective as possible and do not infringe the rules listed in these T&C.

4.4 Missing an appointment

The User is informed of the fact that the scheduling of an appointment online constitutes a firm commitment on their part, and that any non-attendance at a scheduled appointment must be the subject of prior information of cancellation or postponement with the clinic. This information can be provided via any means of contact of the clinic, at the User’s choice. The User acknowledges being aware that they are solely responsible for the consequences (financial and non-financial) of their non-attendance at an appointment with the Practitioner concerned.

4.5 The sending of reminders by SMS and email

The User authorises the Company to send them SMS and emails whose purpose is to provide them with information about the appointments they have made online. The User also authorises the Company to notify them by SMS or email of any practical information concerning the Practitioners with whom they have made an online appointment, or any health information sent by the same Practitioners.

4.6 Third-party services

The User expressly acknowledges having been informed of the fact that certain functionalities (such as sending emails and SMS) are provided by third parties. The Company cannot offer any guarantee on the effective transmission of SMS and emails to their recipient, on the transmission times and on the integrity of the data.Β 

5. Data protection

By using the Sites and the Services, the User provides certain personal data concerning them. We undertake to collect and process such data in accordance with the Privacy Policy, which appears before these Terms and Conditions of Use.

6. User responsibility

The User undertakes not to violate any legal standard or to use the Sites and Services for illicit purposes other than that for which they are offered to them. In particular, they undertake not to use the Services for sending spams or viruses, sending or consulting pornographic content, content that damages the reputation or image of third parties, content that violates the copyrights or any illegal content.

The User expressly acknowledges and agrees to use the Sites and Services at their own risk and under their sole responsibility.Β 

The User also agrees to indemnify and release the Company, companies owned by or affiliated with Ardentis Holding SA and their employees of any liability with regard to claims, costs, damages, and expenses (including attorneys’ fees and legal costs) resulting from (i) their use of the Sites or Services; (ii) non-compliance with or violation of any provision of the applicable T&C; (iii) unauthorised use of their account (iv); damage arising from a violation of third-party rights through the use of the Services and (v) any other cause resulting in damage to the Company.

The User declares that they are fully aware of the characteristics and constraints of the internet. In particular, they acknowledge that it is impossible to guarantee that the data transmitted via the internet will be completely secure. The Company cannot be held responsible for any incidents that may arise from this transmission. The User therefore communicates such data at their own risk. The Company can only provide the assurance that it uses all the means at its disposal to guarantee maximum security.

The User acknowledges and accepts that any use contrary to the law or the T&C may give rise to civil and/or criminal legal proceedings and the payment of damages.

7. Disclaimer of warranty

The Sites and Services are accessible to the User in a secure manner via the internet and require the availability of internet access by any means at the User’s choice, at the User’s expense. The proper functioning of the Sites and Services is subject to the conditions of access to the internet network by the User.Β 

The Company cannot be held responsible for the malfunctioning of the Sites and Services and its consequences resulting from a malfunction or restricted or degraded access to the internet. Generally, the Company does not guarantee that:

  • the functionalities of the Sites and Services will meet all of the User’s needs;
  • the Sites and the Services will be up-to-date and free from error, malfunction or virus.

The Company will endeavour to ensure the reliable and lasting operation of the Sites and Services. However, given the specificities of the internet network, the Company offers no guarantee as to the uninterrupted and reliable use of the Sites and Services, being bound in this respect only by an obligation of means. The Company cannot be held liable in the event of damage related to the temporary or permanent failure to access the Sites or any or all of the Services offered by the Sites.

Sites and Services that are accessible via the internet may be affected by periods of temporary unavailability. From time to time, the Company will update the Sites and Services, which may make them inaccessible for a certain period of time.

The Company declines all responsibility for any direct or indirect damage or loss related to the use or inability to use the Sites, their content or the Services.

8. Intellectual property

Intellectual property rights (by which we mean in particular any copyright, patent, design, right relating to databases, brands, trade secrets, know-how, etc.) on the general structure of the Sites and their content (including trademarks, logos, corporate names, acronyms, trade names, signs, images, videos, sound elements, domain names, code, texts, slogans, graphics and other content) are the exclusive property of the Company. Nothing in these T&C constitutes a transfer of intellectual property rights.

Any total or partial representation, reproduction, modification, distortion and/or exploitation of the Sites or their content by any process whatsoever and on any medium whatsoever without the express prior authorisation of the Company is prohibited.

The Company grants Users a limited, non-exclusive, non-transferable and revocable licence at any time to use the Sites for their personal needs, as well as to display the content of the Sites on their computer screen, smartphone or tablet, provided they comply with these T&C. Any other use is excluded without the prior written consent of the Company.

9. Miscellaneous

9.1 Applicable law and place of jurisdiction

These T&C, as well as all matters arising therefrom or in connection with them (including non-contractual disputes or claims and their interpretation) shall be governed by Swiss law, excluding the rules on conflict of laws.

Any claim and dispute in connection with these T&C shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Courts of the Company’s registered office.Β 

9.2 Language

In the event of a contradiction between the different language versions of these T&C, only the French version shall prevail.

10. Contact

For questions relating to these T&C, as well as to report any violations, please contact Us: legal@ardentis.ch

General Terms and Conditions of Contests

All contests organized by SDC Services SA are subject to the General Terms and Conditions for contests, unless expressly stated otherwise. In the event of a conflict between these conditions and the specific conditions of a contest, the specific conditions shall prevail.
The company SDC Services SA, hereinafter referred to as “SDC Services,” a Swiss corporation with its registered office at 1070 Puidoux, Route du Verney 7, registered in the Commercial Register of Vaud under federal number CHE-113.524.738, is conducting an online game to win a free descaling service. The contest is open from the date of the Instagram post publication until Friday, December 1, 2023, at 11:59 PM Swiss time. Participation is free and without any obligation to make a purchase.


Β 1. General Provisions

The contest is open only to individuals residing in Switzerland. No financial consideration or purchase of products is required to participate in this contest. Making a purchase does not increase the chances of winning. By participating in this contest, participants agree to be bound by these general terms and conditions. Any violation of the general terms and conditions and/or any suspicion of manipulation of any kind may result in the disqualification of the offender from the SDC Services contest and/or the initiation of criminal and/or civil proceedings. Participation in the SDC Services contest through gaming services or automated game bots is strictly prohibited.

2. Eligibility

The SDC Services contest is open only to individuals aged 18 and older residing in Switzerland, except for employees of SDC Services, promotional partners, contest organizers, or any other party associated with the development or administration of this contest, their family members (parents, children, siblings, spouse), or individuals living in the same household with them.

3. How to Participate and Win?

Participation is done through SDC Services’ Instagram accounts on contest-related posts. SDC Services reserves the right not to award the prize in the event of identity impersonation by the randomly selected winner. Contest prizes are sent via regular mail, unless otherwise specified. Gifts that are not received, lost, or misplaced cannot be claimed from SDC Services in any circumstances. No correspondence will be exchanged. Prizes are not transferable and cannot be exchanged or converted into cash. Legal recourse is excluded.

4. Jurisdiction and Applicable Law

These participation conditions are subject to Swiss law. Any dispute arising from the interpretation, conclusion, or implementation of these general terms and conditions, which cannot be resolved by an amicable agreement, shall be submitted to the ordinary courts of the Canton of Vaud, subject to possible appeals to the Federal Court.

5. Miscellaneous

SDC Services reserves the right to make improvements and changes to the contest or the website at any time and without notice, and to suspend and cancel in case of force majeure, technical failure, website closure, or any other significant reason, especially if circumstances require it. Its liability shall not be incurred as a result, and no compensation may be claimed for this reason.

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